Using the Info Window
CrystalMaker's Info Window does
more than just list atoms;
it provides a quick and easy way to label groups of atoms,
to hide specific sites or change their colours
The Info Window serves as a key to the atoms in your structure, as well as providing ways of controlling atom colours, labels, and visibility. When you launched CrystalMaker for the first time, the Info Window was displayed on the top right hand side of your screen; thereafter, the window's position can be changed according to your convenience.
At a glance, the Info Window identifies the colours of the different atoms in your structure. It also lists the currently-set atomic radii ("r/A"- in Angstrom units, where 1A = 0.1nm) for each crystallographic site, as well as its coordination number ("CN") and polyhedral environment (as deduced from any bonds which have been defined for the present structure).
Manipulating the Atoms List
Atoms are grouped by chemical element, into "folders". You can open or close these folder groups by clicking the blue disclosure triangles on the left-hand side; this expands or contracts the listing of atoms which have the same chemical element. (Note that an element folder icon changes depending on whether its atoms list is open or closed.)
Changing Atom Colours
You can easily colour atoms of
a particular chemical element - by clicking the appropriate element
colour bar . (Each element
row in the Info Window has a coloured bar, which acts as a colour
button; clicking it displays the standard Macintosh colour picker,
letting you select a new element colour.)
(Please note: if you require different colours for sites which have the same chemical elements, (e.g., Al 1 and Al 4 sites, both of which contain aluminium), you will need to use the Edit > Atom Specs command. This brings up the Edit Atom Specs dialog which gives you the option of colouring sites by element or by crystallographic site - and the latter option would apply in this case.)
Labelling Atoms
You can label atoms in your structure - either according to their crystallographic site, or according to their chemical element. (The labels used are as defined in the Model Options dialog, on the Labels page.)
To remove atom labels, simply click on the luggage tab a second time.
Show/Hide Groups of Atoms
You can hide groups of atoms according to their crystallographic site, or their chemical element. This is actually a very powerful way of visualizing complex structures often one "cannot see the wood for the trees", and the Info Window lets you simplify the structure intuitively, and quickly.
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